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Remembering the Breaker Boys: The Progressive Era Fight Against Child Labor
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20th Century Child Labor
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20th Century Child Labor
Collection Items
"A view of the Pennsylvania Breaker. The dust was so dense at times as to obscure the view. This dust penetrates the utmost recess of the boy's lungs. Location: South Pittston, Pennsylvania."
"Group of Newsboys on Frankfort Street near World Building. Witness, Fred McMurrry. Location: New York, New York (State)."
"Exhibit Panel."
"Exhibit Panel."
"[Addie Card], anaemic little spinner in North Pownal Cotton Mill. See photo No. 1056. Location: Vermont."
"Greel's Shoe-shining Parlor, Indianapolis, Ind. Said he was 15 years old. Works some nights until 11. Taken at 10 P.M. Location: Indianapolis, Indiana."
"National Child Labor Committee No. 954. 1-legged boy. Neil Gallagher, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Born January 14, 1891. Went to work at about 9 years. Worked about two years in breaker. Went inside at about 11 years. "Tripper," tending door. 83 cents [a] day. Injured May 2, 1904. Leg crushed between cars. Amputated at Mercy Hospital, Wilkes Barre. "Baltimore Tunnell" - "Black Diamond" D. & H. Co. Thomas Lewellin Superintendent (inside boys); Samuel Morgan, Superintendent. In Hospital 9 weeks. Amputated twice. No charge. Received nothing from company. "Was riding between cars and we aren't supposed to ride between them." No written rules, but they tell you not to. Mule driver (who was on for first day) had taken his lamp and he tried to reach across car to get it. Slipped between bumpers. Been working in breakers since. Same place $1.10 a day. Work only about 1/2 time. Work about 6 hour day. Left 3 months ago. Been in N.Y. - no work. Trying to get work in Poolroom. Applicant at Bureau for Handicapped, 105 E. 22nd Street, N.Y. Nov. 1, 1909. Father living, (Mother dead.) Miner same place. Hurt month ago Rock fall. 2 brothers 25, 27. Home 15 Pennsylvania St. Location: Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania."
"Slebzak family (Polish) working on Bot[t]omley farm, near Baltimore, Md. They have worked here 3 years and one winter at Avery Island, Louisiana. All work except the very smallest. She hangs around the fields. Begin work about 4 A.M. and sometimes works until sunset. (See #838.) Location: Baltimore, Maryland."
""OUR BABY DOFFER" they called him. Donnie Cole. Has been doffing for some months. When asked his age, he hesitated, then said, "I'm Twelve." Another young boy said "He can't work unless he's twelve." Child Labor regulations were conspicuously posted in the mill. Location: Birmingham, Alabama."
"A lonely job. Waiting all alone in the dark for a trip[?] to come through. It was so damp that Willie said he had to go to the doctor for his cough. A short distance from here, the gas was pouring into the mine so rapidly that it made a great torch when the foreman lit it. Lives at 164 Center St., Pittston, Pa. This is Willie Bryden[?], a nipper. Been working there 4 mos. 500 ft. from the shaft, and a quarter of a mile underground from there. Shaft #6 Pa. Coal Co. Walls have been whiterewashed to make it lighter. Jan 16 I found Willie at home sick, His mother admitted he is only 13 yrs old; will be 14 next July. She said 4 months after the mine boss told the father to take Willie to work, and they obtained a certificate from Squire Barrett. The only thing the squire could do was to make Willie out to be 16 yrs. Willie's father & brother are miners and the home is that of a frugal German family. Location: Pittston, Pennsylvania."
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